SUNday, 15 OCTOBER 2023 | DOORS AT 13:30, THEATRE + MUSIC FROM 14:00

The East Van Gogos (“grandmothers” in Zulu) present an afternoon of theatre and music in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, which assists grandmothers in 15 African countries caring for children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic. Gina Stockdale will perform her play “Hired Help” and The Soda Crackers will play a set of bluegrass, country, and swing. Light refreshments will be served.
About the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign
All proceeds from this concert will go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which supports grandmothers (“Gogos” in Zulu) raising a generation of children orphaned by the AIDS pandemic in 15 African countries.
Grandmothers in Africa have risen above their grief to put their grandchildren through school while leading the way by rebuilding communities and advocating for change in their societies. Canadians have raised more than $27 million for the campaign, which supports community-based organizations that provide necessities such as school fees and uniforms, counselling for grandmothers and orphaned children, and micro-credit loans. The East Van Gogos is one of more than 250 such groups across Canada. The Grandmothers Campaign movement, founded in 2006, is growing, with groups now in Australia, Great Britain and the U.S.