We work differently and every show is different: Public events at Notional Space — concerts, theatre, and other performances that appear in our event listings and our email notices to those on our mailing list — work a little differently than at traditional venues. We allow the artists to select how they wish to receive support from the audience. They may choose to follow the Notional Space tradition of gift economy, asking the audience to support them without putting a price-tag on the performance; or they may set a price for admission and collect it in any manner they choose, either in advance, at the door, or both. Since the process for each show may be different, according to the preferences of the artists, we will provide information on ticketing for each event on our website and in our email notices.
For community members of lesser financial means: The most important thing to understand is that your attendance matters to us… and to the artists. Events are meant to be experienced and, simply by showing up, you make the experience richer for the performers. And to make things even better, mention a quiet word to us and the artists will also be richer. Several generous friends of Notional Space have contributed to a fund which allows us to give a contribution to the musicians on your behalf. For ticketed events, simply contact us in advance to request a complimentary place on the guest list. At “gift economy” events, simply pull one of us aside and mention that you are bypassing the contribution basket; we’ll make sure it gets augmented for you. You are an extremely valuable part of our community and we deeply appreciate that you come-out to support the artists with your attendance.
RSVPs: It is very rare that we take RSVPs for shows. We generally have plenty of capacity. If there is an “RSVP REQUIRED” notice on an event listing, however, it means there is an strong likelihood that not everyone who wants to attend will be able to. Take the requirement seriously if you wish to attend. Likewise, if you have put yourself on the RSVP list and have a change of plans, please be sure to contact us to remove your name from the list to create space for others.
Accessibility: Notional Space is down half-a-flight of stairs — if accessed from the front door entry. We are on-grade at the rear of the building, however, and will provide access and assistance through the rear to anyone who requests it. If you don’t already have one of our personal telephone numbers (or that of someone you know will reach Notional Space ahead of you), you can either contact us in advance to make arrangements or simply buzz us from the front door to ask us to open-up in back. Our rear entrance is in the laneway between Hastings and Pender, directly opposite the parking entry for the Bohême condos and shops.