FRIDAY, 17 November 2023 | DOORS AT 19:30, MUSIC FROM 20:00
Here’s what Beau and Jesse have to say for themselves:
Beau Wheeler

One of Vancouver’s punchiest indie singers.” Fish Griwkowsky, Edmonton Sun
Beau Wheeler is a queer non-binary composer and singer based in Vancouver, Canada. Blessed with a set of pipes that would be the envy of Torch and Twang era kd lang or a young Robert Plant, Beau is about to release two new albums of music that capture the breadth and diversity of their musical vision. Theirs is a music that encompasses a wide spectrum of human experience. With songs that touch on love, loss and redemption, and an unflagging ability to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, Beau, who recently came out to the world as trans, is one of Canada’s brightest lights and an artist to watch out for. Their music pulls no punches as it shines a light on gender, surviving cancer, and the all too human experience of love in a way that turns the dark and sour stuff of life into something beautiful and hopeful. Beau’s songs remind us that ‘we’ve all been there’ and that no matter how low you are feeling that there’s hope. You’re not alone. Pain and joy form equal parts of life’s equation. The essential magic of Beau’s work lies in this unflinching ability to fearlessly open up and bring a room full of strangers together to share and heal from the vulnerabilities that we all feel.
Jesse Waldman

Jesse is known as a local guitar hero/singer-songwriter and has taken his music across Canada and Western US, earning CBC radio play, grant awards, favourable press and a spot as lead guitarist with some of Vancouver’s finest musicians. Jesse’s album debut, “Mansion Full of Ghosts,” is available on all major platforms. His second release is due to drop this fall.